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Wood Chip Self-Ignition Prevention System: A Reliable Solution for Safety and Quality


Processing facilities that handle wood chips face a significant risk of self-ignition during storage. When stored in large piles, wood chips can heat up and reach dangerous temperatures, potentially leading to spontaneous combustion. To mitigate this risk, it is essential to continuously monitor the internal temperature of the stored material.

Our wood chip temperature monitoring system employs advanced sensors placed directly within the material. These sensors continuously measure the temperature and transmit the data to a central monitoring system. This allows plant operators to react immediately if temperatures exceed safe thresholds, preventing hazardous situations.

The system is equipped with wireless communication, ensuring that all data is available in real time, both on-site and remotely. Automatic alerts enable quick responses, ensuring that the material is always stored in safe and optimal conditions. This system not only enhances worker safety but also helps maintain material quality and optimize operational costs.

With our wood chip self-ignition prevention system, you can be confident that your operation is safeguarded, and your materials are securely stored.

Key Benefits of Our System:

  • Continuous monitoring of wood chip storage temperatures.
  • Wireless real-time data transmission.
  • Automatic alerts when temperatures exceed safe limits.
  • Improves workplace safety and protects against self-ignition risks.
  • Ensures optimal conditions for material storage.

Used products:

cloud U0121G

Installed by:

ELPRO Lepenik & Co. d.o.o.
Ob gozdu 7c, Rogoza
2204 Miklavž na Dravskem polju



Year of realization:


Business type:

Industry Agriculture